Things To Know Before Planting

  • Check the type of the soil
  • Check the salt percentage of the water source
  • Check  sunlight

Laying and Maintenance

  • If it is a new garden, a pre-turf fertiliser shoul not be applied over the soil.
  • It is best to use screened loam of  10-15cm thickness  to make the grass grow.
  • Butt and push the edges and ends against each other but do not stretch the turf too much.
  • Avoid air-pockets between the turf rows. If any, fill them with a sandy mixture.
  • Avoid walking on newly laid turf – boards can be placed down for working on, or walking along.
  • Avoid human and animal foot traffic for the first 10 days after laying. Also do not allow  human and animal heavy foot traffic for extra four weeks to ensure the roots have the full contact with the soil.
  • Water the difficult areas such as; the edges and corners by hand if necessary.
  • Be carefull when watering hillsides and sloping areas because the water runs down. Especially sandy soils require more frequent and shorter irrigation.
  • Early morning irrigation is the best.  Give the turf a really good soaking and check that the water has seeped through the turf and into the soil.  Ensure that the turf has enough moisture by providing sufficient water. But be carefull not to flood the lawn when watering and avoid waterlogging.

Preparation Before Laying

Ensure the area is free of weeds and old turf with the help of a recommended herbisit and the written instructions on the packet. Remove the old turf from the site. Measure your proposed lawn area accurately in square metres.  In addition to the total measurement add 5% against cut-waste. The preparation work should be carried out in advance of the turf arriving. The rollgrass should be laid out immediately after its delivery. Please contact us to choose the right kind of turf which is appropriate to the area. The irrigation system covering the whole area should be installed at this stage.

Toprak hazırlığının doğru olarak yapılması çiminizin tesisi için büyük önem taşır. Toprağınızı 10-15 cm. derinliğe kadar işleyin. Yüzeydeki taş, bitki kökü vs. gibi artıkları temizleyin. Çukur ve tümsek alanları düzeltmek için bir tırmık yardımıyla ince tesviyesini yapın. Binadan dışarıya doğru hafif bir eğim vererek drenaj problemlerini ortadan kaldırabilirsiniz. Toprağın 5 cm.lik üst kısmına 15:15:15 kompoze gübresinden 6-7 kg./100 m2’ye gelecek şekilde tırmıkla karıştırıp düzeltiniz. Toprağın oturması ve yüzeyin düzelmesi için hafifçe silindirleyin. Sıkışmaya neden olunmaması için toprak kuru olmalıdır.  Eğer gerekiyorsa tekrar ince tesviye yapın. Toprak seviyesini yürüyüş ve araç yolları ile teraslardan 2-3 cm. aşağıda tutun. Toprağın oturması ve çim alan için nemli bir ortam sağlanması için hafifçe sulayın. Birçok toprak tipi için 15 cm. derinliğe kadar nemlendirme önerilir.

Turf Laying

Start  the laying work immediately after its delivery.  The turf should be laid within 24 hours of delivery. Begin installing turf along the longest straight line such as driway or sidewalk . Butt and push edges and ends against each other tightly without streching. Avoid gaps or overlaps. Stagger the jonts in each row in a brick-like fashion. On slopes, place the turf  pieces across the slope. Use a big sharp knife to cut the extra turf pieces, to trim corners and to shape the ends and conserve off-cuts for patching in and to cut the heads of sprinklers. After laying,  rolling the turf is required to ensure soil and turf integration and also to prevent air-pockets.


Following the turf laying,  the area is homogenenously watered. The amount of water should be less than the required regular amount of water and the ground should not be loose. After installing the turf, roll the entire area to improve turf-soil contact and remove air-pockets. Roll the area with a lawn roller with the proper weight by walking on the wet turf forward and backward.

First Watering

The first watering is one of the most important ones. The water should soak through to the ground below. Water the newly installed turf within 30 minutes after laying.  Water the area everyday or more frequently providing sufficient moisture at least for ten days till newly laid turf is strongly well-rooted. Later start watering less frequently and watering deeply. The frequency of irrigation and the amount of water to aplly depend on the climatic condition. Ensure your turf has the sufficient moisture to survive in hot, dry and windy weather.

Newly Laid Turf Maintenance

As the first couple of weeks following the laying out are the most critical time, a great  turf care is needed.

After the turf is well-rooted and integrated with the soil , you can follow a more handy watering programme. You can have a healty and strong turf which will make your landscape beautiful and will make you happy for years.


Fort he first ten days it is very important to regularly water the new turf in the daylight three times a day. At the end of ten days, if the weather is extremely hot or dry, you can begin watering your lawn three or four times a week. In cooler weather, it will be sufficient to water once or twice a week.  The right watering programme and technique will ensure deep root improvement.   When watering, ensure that the soil is damp to a depth of 15cm to encourage deep rooting.  In this way, less frequent watering is possible. Frequent but insufficient watering causes surface root improvement due to hot weather and disease sensitivity. If your soil contains heavy clay, deep watering for 15 or 20 minutes  is required to prevent water flowing on the surface.


Avoid food-traffic for the first ten days until the newly laid turf  is strongly well-rooted. Even after ten days, avoid heavy human and animal traffic.


You can begin mowing  after a week  immediately after the turf has been laid out. The hight of the mowing blades should be 2,5-3cm. The mowing height should not be more than one-third of the  grass height.


You should have a fertilization programme which is appropiate to your turf. You may want to use fertilizers containing  the elements such as copper, iron and zinc.  For Tifway 419, first apply  1kg nitrogen per  100 square meters with the fertiliser ratios 15:15:15 which is calculted in terms of the content of each compost.  Later apply 0.5 kg pure nitrogene per 100 square meters three weeks apart in the spring time. You can contact our firm for SeaSpray and SeaDwarf.

Weed Control

When your rollgrass is installed it has already has a healthy,developed and dense textured surface. So, if a good maintenance programme is applied, it does not contain weeds. By shading the soil it prevents weed seeds to reach the sunlight and also reduces the physical area to a minimum where it is possible for weed growth. In addition to this, regular mowing helps weed control. In case of weeds, applying the appropriate herbicides makes either a less effect or no effect on the turf.  Be careful when choosing chemicals for your turf. Do not use herbicides without getting professional advice.

Disease Control

As the rollgrass handled with utmost care from producing process to the installation stage , it makes the turfgrass less susceptible to diseases which are very common. If there seems to be a problem, it is necessary to get a professional help to apply the appropriate product. Do not apply chemicals without Professional help.