General Overview
Application Areas
Tifway 419 Bermudagrass has been much preferred for sportfields over 40 years. Its highly disease-resistancy and ability of reproducing itself makes it the most durable hybrid bermudagrass. It is a warm season variety with medium sized leaves and very dark green colour. Tifway 419 roll grass is ready for use immediately after it has been laid out. However, stolon needs four weeks’ time to become ready for use.
• As a result of the tests held in 2001by NTEP (National Turf Development Programme) in the USA,it was proved that Tifway419 has more quality and durance than the new generation Tifsport.
• Tifway 419 is less salty water tolerant than SeaSpray and SeaDwarf. (Max.2000 ppm)
• Tifway419 is not shade durable. Daily it needs direct sunlight for 3-4 hours.
- Golf fields
- Football fields
- Recreational Areas
- Landscape Areas ( House-Workplace gardens)
Very Dark Green
Soft –Medium Thickness
Among the warm season grass it is the best variety which reproduces itself under physical damages.
Because of its strong genetic structure it is highly disease resistant.
It is drought tolerant.
Because of its strong structure it can grow on a number of different soil types.
Daily it needs direct sunlight for 3-4 hours. It is foot- traffic tolerant.
It is ideal for warm season.
Generally mowing height should be between 1,5 cm and 3,5 cm.
Mowing height should not be more than one-third of the grass height.
When mowed with rotated machineries , it is recommended that the mowing height should not be less than 2cm.
The blades of the mowing machine should be sharp.
Grass shoul not be mowed when it is wet.
Cutting Options
Small rollgrass cutting (Each roll covers ½ square meters area).
Big rollgrass cutting